Allow Me this Day to Love

Hello! Deep Mystery!
Silent secret air in the night!
Illuminated now as the sun rises.
Giving way to joyful fields.


Is there any other cry?
To bow, and weep, and kneel, and know.
True love and glory in the hearts of the divine.

May all steps be anointed with the sacred,
oil of love. May her flame lick,
the echo chambers of your heart.

And may all be received
as you are received, there
in the radiant halls of splendor.


Complete, and full, and deserving.
Able to give, and to cultivate,
and to care.

Let every moment of love
nourish streams ever onwards,
that the radiant cosmic fire
might never die.

That all forms shall be known,
in sacredness and in love.

An eternal oil lamp.
Whose purity you can seek
to rarefy every day. With this
your focus. What more complete
could any prayer be but?

Allow me this day to love.

To love better than I loved
the day before.
To receive myself and all others
like an immaculate host in a banquet hall.

To give generously of my love
and let it reveal itself through me
in new and startling ways.

And if I should stray from
the lamplit halls of love.
Wandering lost in catacombs of contempt
and disconnection.

May that darkness serve to reveal
the brilliant gossamer strands of
love. Entangled in even the most
estranged of hearts.